Scoring and Rescoring

Examination Materials

CEO-ECO does not provide any examination materials (including score sheets, items, correct answers or the specified range of results for clinical skills) at any time or for any purpose following an exam administration.

Scoring Procedures Written Exam

The score forms (bubble sheets) are marked by computer and then the form of all unsuccessful Candidates is carefully reviewed by the psychometrician for any coding errors such as Candidate ID number, full name, Exam booklet version number and accurate coding of erasures.

Test items are subject to review and may be dropped from scoring for all candidates if less than 20% of the total group successfully answer or the item fails to discriminate positively. A panel of optometrists in consultation with a psychometrician shall decide whether to drop the item. Deleted items are removed from scoring for all candidates thereby ensuring that reported results are valid and fair.

After an examination, all results are verified before being sent to candidates. Fail results undergo increased view. Given the additional scrutiny that CEO-ECO applies to fail results, it is unlikely that rescoring the examination will produce a change in result. There are three potential outcomes following a rescoring of the examination: no change to score, change to score but not change in the fail result, or a change in score and a change from fail to pass result. If the rescoring produces a change in score or a change in score and final result, CEO-ECO will issue new results.

Exam Rescore

A rescore of the written exam will be provided upon written request and fee received within 12 weeks of the exam date. Score forms will be reviewed again for coding errors.

Candidates may make the request for a rescore in writing using the CACO Written Rescore Request Form.

Please see the fee schedule for the rescore request.

Scoring Procedures Skills Exam

All items on the assessor forms involve yes / no decisions which are inputted into the scoring protocol. Descriptive statistics are then completed on each item to ensure that the item has performed in the anticipated manner. Items that fail to meet minimum psychometric criteria for an acceptable response level are reviewed and potentially deleted from scoring for all candidates. It is rare for skills station items to be dropped at the group level.

The results of all failed candidates are reviewed by a panel of at least three (3) optometrists to ensure that the score resulted from that candidate’s performance and not any other extraneous factor determined by the panel to be relevant. If an extraneous factor during the exam (e.g. equipment failure documented in writing at the exam site) had an impact on the results of an individual candidate, scoring is adjusted for that candidate to establish a fair and valid result.

After an examination, all results are verified before being sent to candidates. Fail results undergo increased review including detailed review of all fail sections by a panel of assessors. Given the additional scrutiny that CEO-ECO applies to fail results, it is unlikely that rescoring the examination will produce a change in result.

Exam Rescore

The review of fail results during the exam scoring process takes into consideration all examination materials including documented extraordinary circumstances. Therefore a rescore has already been completed. Candidates may appeal the results of performance on the skills examination following the procedures of the Appeals Policy.